
SALT. Optics x Black Bear Brand Collaboration | The Sirlin Collection

For Those Who Appreciate the Subtle, The Unassuming, The Unique

Written by

Palmer Dean

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Between imagination and reality is where the magic of manifestation lives and breathes. This space in which creativity, design and innovation merge begins the process of realizing our dreams. Black Bear Brand has harmoniously converged with SALT. Optics to create such a dream. The stars have aligned and the world now has access to the Sirlin Collection, named after Black Bear Brand creative strategist Josh Sirlin, features a line of refined, intricate, yet simple eyewear.

The Sirlin Collection features a rectangular frame available in three distinct colorways for both frames and lenses. The entire collection uses 100% Polarized Optical Grade CR-39 lenses while each frame contains SALT. Optics anti reflective, hydrophobic and oleophobic coatings that minimize glare and rebut dirt and water. To add nuance, 24K gold plated hinges and core wires along with solid gold functional rivets were introduced into the collection. The line is made of 100% Japanese materials that are known for their durability, rigidity and luster.

Fans of SALT. Optics include Kendall Jenner, Emily Ratajowski, Cindy Crawford and Anne Hathaway while Black Bear’s celebrity fan list includes Orlando Bloom, Nick Zano and more. The merging of the two brands is bound to spark excitement amongst these talented individuals in Hollywood and those seeking unparalleled adventure.

As a long-time friend of the brand, Sirlin here speaks to his admiration of SALT. and how the unique collabration came to be.

What about SALT. Optics was intriguing for a product collaboration?

Everything I have, I've invited into my life; everything is chosen, special to me—from people, artwork, food, my cars, motorcycles, each item of clothes to my glasses; everything in my life means something. They have been thoughtfully chosen; they're special to me and the best (best in my opinion!). My SALT glasses are just this; they're awesome and special. I've worked in a creative capacity with eyewear companies for around 20 years, and for the last decade, I've exclusively worn SALT; they are my favorite glasses. I've been friends with the brand for many years; talks of a collaboration have been tossed around for years, the stars aligned... I found the colors I wanted to do, and we secured the gold hardware and finalized our design... and it's finally here.

So much of adventure requires the right eyewear. What is your earliest memory of one such adventure where the shades were a critical part of its achievement?

My life is a series of adventures that stretch back to my oldest memories. It takes me on a journey through my memories to recall these experiences. Two adventures stand out vividly: #1, the exhilarating moment of jumping out of a plane in Panama among five wingsuit professionals, with me being far from a pro. I wore a skate helmet, sunglasses, a t-shirt, shorts, and Vans. Looking back, it was wild, yet at the time, it felt like just another day. I embraced the moment without reservation, diving into whatever was put in front of me with a "no holds barred, let's go for it" attitude. My gear was my usual attire, but it was all I needed for whatever came my way—it was all awesome. #2, riding across Montana, Wyoming, and through Yellowstone Park a few summers ago on my 1948 Panhead (Harley-Davidson). I left my helmet behind as I entered Montana, opting instead for just sunglasses, a jean jacket, jeans, and boots. I felt fully alive, every sense heightened, completely present in the moment, and deeply connected to Mother Earth. For hours, I rode without encountering another soul, surrounded only by the breathtaking beauty of the American wilderness.

Both SALT and Black Bear Brand pride themselves on impeccable quality. Are you finding that creating quality products is more challenging these days, or has consumer interest leant to more streamlined product sourcing and process?

If you aspire to craft anything with impeccable quality, there's no time like the present. You simply need the desire, the insistence on excellence, and an unwavering commitment to pursue it. Geographical boundaries no longer confine us; individuals can now engage on a global scale, just like major corporations. We've learned that more is achievable with less, where creativity reigns supreme. A dash of skill, copious amounts of hard work, a touch of madness, and an unyielding determination to sacrifice most things in pursuit of your goals—these ingredients render anything possible.

I personally create and design what I desire for myself; I have a penchant for items of the highest caliber. The creations I design and craft hold special significance for me; each piece carries profound meaning. This dedication to craftsmanship results in what I perceive to be impeccable quality. I believe many people share this sentiment, desiring possessions that are both special and reflective of their individuality.

The 24k gold is an extremely stylish and luxurious touch. How did you arrive on this accent creatively?
Simple, gold is cool! If I can use gold... I use gold.

Who might you like to see rocking the Sirlin Collection? What drives them? Who are they?

For those who appreciate the subtle, the unassuming, the unique, every item they welcome into their lives must possess a special quality—an embodiment of their individuality and personal style. It's a subtle rebellion, a wink, and a middle finger directed at societal norms. I'm eager for people to experience these creations firsthand, to hold them in their hands and proudly wear them. They are awesome! I would love to see my friends, both well-known and not, wearing them.

What was something you learned about yourself in the process of the SALT collab?

A friendly reminder how much I enjoy working with folks that make amazing things, walking with them in their world, playing in their creative space, and moonlighting for a moment in their manufacturing game.

The Sirlin collection is available for purchase at saltoptics.com and blackbearbrand.com.

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SALT. Optics, Black Bear Brand, Airlin Collection