The Glow Up | TruSculpt ID and TruSculpt Flex

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Bloody hell, have you ever had fat arms and tried to buy Rick Owens tops… That is my general dilemma, I was born with a #bodypositive frame with a high addiction to not so body positive clothing. It has been something that has always traumatized me as most of my friends around me also happen to be models/nodels and over all stick figures. It seems like something of a prerequisite in the art and fashion world if you want to have a fighting chance. Because of this my clothing choices have always been a bit quirkier to offset everything else. I often think of how Wallis Simpson’s quote, “I'm not a beautiful woman. I'm nothing to look at, so the only thing I can do is dress better than anyone else.” has always deeply resonated with me, even though her 110lb frame would probably be admirable and being ugly now is a gift to chicness.  When I was given the opportunity to try out TruSculpt ID and TruSculpt Flex with [Dr. Arash Moradzadeh](https://www.instagram.com/faceexpertmd/?hl=en), I was gleeful at the thought if eliminating my much-hated body part. I immediately thought of the wardrobe I would wear to showcase the sessions. I had seen the results from a publicist friend, who showed up at a fashion party with her dreaded pooch gone, nearly over night (or rather a few weeks). She had gotten rid of a seriously troubling spot that even the most frequent Pilates habit couldn’t shake. I was all in.  At my first session I was greeted by the team at [AM Facial Plastics](https://amfacialplastics.com) and brought into a room with the most magnificent view of Beverly Hills. My arms had a layer of protective gelatinous PVC placed on before nodules were stuck on and wrapped. With my arms placed above my head the TruSculpt ID began with a warming sensation. Pulsating between the left and the right the heat intensified and the frequencies between each arm. It felt like a pinching feeling that you got used to, the sensation is the effect the potent heat going over 113 degrees to denature the fat. For 15 minutes I laid and chatted with the Dr about this new process, a step up and 30 minutes less than the typical cool sculpting that everyone was all about.  After the first 15 minutes were up the TruSculpt Flex process was up next. The setup was similar to the ID session though this time around for 45 minutes my arms were placed in a resting position as micro currents surged through my arms. This first session was a light one being utilized as an beginning step.  From this initial meeting I came back for 3 more sessions which focused on the TruSculpt Flex. Each 45 minute sitting had the dosage increased, leading to the equivalent of 37,000 pushups. It was such a pleasurable experience as each time I felt my arms getting stronger though there was no pain sensation as the technology randomized the muscle experience, in theory confusing as it twisted, pulled, stretched, and massaged the lactic acid out. The intensity was hilarious as I saw my arms moving in contortionist ways possessed by they electro currents. It made for an optimal social media moment.  I was also joined by Dr. Moradzadeh in one session as we were being Flexed in tandem. It really opened up the humanity behind this machine, we spoke of being able to discuss how some areas of the body regardless of lifestyle changes and fitness could never be pushed to that optimal place due to genetics. There is a certain threshold which we abandon the fetishism of the Adonis quality of some people around that are sculpted gods/goddess and work with what you got, and being able to get to that next level is always a strong affirmation that you are doing life right. It’s a comforting and empowering experience to enter that head space, balancing the shallow with the self-realizing and self-assuring that is often placed in as taboo. Who cares about the social mores when we are trying to preserve and improve the self. I had feared becoming too self-obsessed, when in actuality I had achieved self-worth, something about being stronger really boosted my usual sardonic demeanor and confidence.  A few weeks after my last appointment I was back to life and felt uplifted, I threw on a particular Rick top that had always constricted me and was delighted to see that it felt the most comfortable. I am all for this treatment as part of anyone’s glow up. I’d especially like to thank Dr. Arash Moradzadeh and the staff of AM Facial Plastics for having me and providing such a pleasurable experience.  > [ > > View this post on Instagram > > ](https://www.instagram.com/tv/B3XvIfCBrcB/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading) > > [Thanks to the Dr Arash Moradzadeh and the AM Plastic team for making my arms cute enough for mini tops. Head to Flaunt.com/detox to see my glow up @faceexpertmd #faceexpertmd #amfacialplastics #moradzadehmiracle #truSculptID #cutera #truSculptflex #cutera](https://www.instagram.com/tv/B3XvIfCBrcB/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading) > > A post shared by [BJ Panda Bear](https://www.instagram.com/bjpandabear/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading) (@bjpandabear) on Oct 8, 2019 at 1:40pm PDT * * * For more information visit [AM Facial Plastics](https://amfacialplastics.com) | +1 310 659 9900