Qveen Herby "Cheap Talk"

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0.jpeg ![0.jpeg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472ba091592c9cf9785b8ee_0.jpeg) Karmin who? It’s all about [Qveen Herby](https://www.instagram.com/qveenherby/?hl=de) now, who is the reinvented female half of the former pop band, Karmin. Not only is her music style completely refreshed, but the entire reinvention of herself is a mission to empower dreamers, specifically women, to live their highest and truest expression of themselves and saying, “fuck fear” in order to claim their crown, and to embrace the journey of personal transformation.  Qveen is a lifestyle brand showcasing her life as a self-made woman through various industries, such as beauty, music, fashion, wellness, and technology. Herby’s new persona is mob wife meets Morticia Addams, all the while making sure to not take herself too seriously. Her new music and persona are a remembrance of her upbringing in Nebraska in the isolated Bible Belt. She wanted to show people that they each have the power to be anything they’d like which was a motivation for her to leave non-purposeful music in the past and devote her time to something she believes is more worthwhile.  The new song “Cheap Talk” is about gossip and the negative effects it can have on those participating in it. The very first line, “life can be a dream, but you can’t afford because you’re talking cheap” tells the listeners that talking negatively about others will prevent personal success and achieving positivity. As well, the song features her signature style of speed rapping. The music video consists of muted tones and shows her baking in the kitchen, lying in the bathtub, and sitting in a chair with a raven on her arm. The music video seems quirky, but definitely expressing her new style and sassy “bad bitch” attitude.