Our Legacy | Opening Ceremony

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Opening Ceremony’s dedicated Our Legacy space. Photo Courtesy of Opening Ceremony ![Opening Ceremony’s dedicated Our Legacy space. Photo Courtesy of Opening Ceremony](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472ba06cc8e1a27aec396c5_image-asset.jpeg) Opening Ceremony’s dedicated Our Legacy space. Photo Courtesy of Opening Ceremony Founded in 2005, [Our Legacy](https://www.ourlegacy.se/mens) is a Swedish brand that’s made its name on the streets all over the world. Our Legacy has earned a devoted following and been seen on Wiz Khalifa, Jay Z, and The Weeknd to name a few. The new collection Chambre Séparée is the perfect combination of dressed up and dressed down and I want every piece from the collection. We caught up with founder Jockum Hallin ahead of the brands new store in store opening at Opening Ceremony. **Can you explain the story behind _Chambre Séparée_?** It’s an old story about this famous classic restaurant in Stockholm with beautiful art on the wall. There was a gang of really spoiled kids who had a new years party and they started destroying all the art and rattled the place down. It was spoiled brats who had no respect for anything. We took the concept of a group of people and what happens when they feel like nobody's watching. That’s the main ingredients of that collection. **That story really shows through the clothes. How did you get an idea to really read through your collection?** Whether its a fabric or an evening gown, we wanted this collection to stand out. We try to make really dressed up things that you can wear in your daily life. We do research and look back at eras. You can really feel the 70s and 90s contemporary vibes. We want that nonchalant vibe but in our own way.  **Did you face any challenges creating the collection?** This is our third collection with women which has been an amazing journey. The men’s collection has been well established and people know how to relate to it. For women, we didn’t have that. We had to create its own legacy. It’s a lot of fun but it's very challenging. It’s been very energizing for the company to do something different. But our line was a men’s brand, even though a lot of women shopped our collection. So we had to learn to make a natural shift.  **What’s the type of person who wears Our Legacy?** Someone who knows what they want. They are confident enough to wear a brand that doesn’t have an obvious logo on it. But they are also comfortable with change. You may first ask yourself “how am I going to be able to pull that off?” Then mid-season you think “oh that’s nothing, I’ll wear that.” The collection is wide so there’s room for lots of characters and personalities.  **Where did the inspiration for the brand’s name come from?** When we started the brand we were just a couple of guys dreaming about creating something that we could pass on to our kids; something sustainable. The name also came from our inspiration on classic pieces borrowed from generations before like our fathers and grandfathers. It’s timeless and lasting but it's also a homage to the previous generations. But now in 2019, the name feels like it gives us a reminder to be conscious about what we make and make it sustainable.  * * * Opening Ceremony LA | 451 N La Cienega Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90048 United States