A Peace Treaty | "Sexy Ghost"

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Dana Arbib of a [A Peace Treaty](https://apeacetreaty.com) is releasing a short film for her Resort 2019 Collection entitled “Sexy Ghost.” Arbib was inspired by classic late 80s rom-coms, her introduction to North American popular culture when she immigrated to Toronto from Tel Aviv, Israel. She fell in love with the competent city women on screen, such as Elisabeth Shue in “Cocktail” or Linda Kozlowski in “Crocodile Dundee,” who exuded a relaxed yet elevated style. Directed by [Akin Adebowale](https://www.instagram.com/akinadebowale/?hl=en) and [Arie Esiri](https://www.instagram.com/nepahastakenlight/), “Sexy Ghost” brings to life Arbib’s perfect 80s getaway. It stars British-Jamaican artist and model Phoebe Collings-James, Instagram model and influencer Samia Hampstead, and New York model Alvina Bokahari, the film follows two powerful city women at a Hampton estate they debate the validity of the story that the home is haunted by its former occupant, a “sexy ghost.”