Ralph DiBugnara Shares 3 Tips to Take Your Life to the Next Level This Year

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![](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d6405bfa4c1024156b08_Ralph.jpeg) While the internet is flooded with quick hacks for most things, it will definitely take you more than a 5-minute fix if you want to hack your life. Not to make it seem bleak, but as Ralph DiBugnara puts it, it is better to go in well-prepared than looking for quick-fixes because leveling up in life is no walk in the park. Ralph gets together with like-minded people every so often. During such gatherings, he exchanges ideas, discusses projects, and solves problems with these people. This is the first thing Ralph recommends to anyone looking to level their life up in 2021. “Spending time around focused people will help you gain new and better perspectives into your life goals, failures, and dilemmas,” he says.  The central discussion in 2021, besides the pandemic, is people’s need for freedom, success, and more time. Ralph DiBugnara says that once you level up your life, you can achieve all three. And here, he shares three ways how you can do it: **_Do more of the good and less of the bad_** We all have good and bad habits. Ralph points out that procrastination and distractions are part of the journey. He, therefore, recommends focusing on good habits like sticking to your schedule, prioritizing your tasks, and keeping your focus during work while eliminating as many of the bad habits as you can.  **_Have a “can-do” attitude_** Self-doubt is part of the process, but don’t let it rule over you if you want to achieve success in 2021. Without necessarily becoming the stereotypical “yes man,” it is crucial that you adopt a “can-do” attitude in the areas of your life in which you want to level up. Be open to new ideas, clients, experiences, and challenges as well. **_Structure your days_** Confusion starts when you wake up in the morning and don’t know what you have planned for the day. According to Ralph, having a structure in your days, weeks, and even months can help you keep focused on your main goal. This plan should include both your short-term and long-term milestones. Plan your days for better productivity and clarity on your goals, and learn how to prioritize tasks. Considering Ralph’s success in personal and professional life, it would do you good to heed his advice as you look to level up in 2021. “Taking on more than you can handle will derail you and make you lose morale along the way. Remember, you can structure your levels and unlock them as you go along,” concludes Ralph DiBugnara.