Photographed by Philip-Daniel Ducasse
Lens on Life Project, a New York nonprofit organization that aids at-risk youth in the US and around the world in photography and computer literacy, will be auctioning Haiti-raised, Brooklyn-based photographer Philip-Daniel Decasse’s work along with his curation of student work from his workshop with Congolese youth. The non-profit organization was founded by brothers Sam and Jack Powers, who grew up in their late mother’s eponymous New York photography gallery, Bonni Benrubi Gallery (now Benrubi Gallery). Hosted by Azadeh Shladosky Studio, the exhibition will be the first event in Los Angeles for Lens on Life Project and the [online auction](https://www.charityauctionstoday.com/auctions/lens-on-life-x-shladovsky-gallery-26734) will be live through October 10th.
To visit the exhibition and auction in-person 11am to 3pm daily October 7, 8, 9, email [studio@azadehshladovsky.com](mailto:studio@azadehshladovsky.com) and [bid online through October 10th](https://www.charityauctionstoday.com/auctions/lens-on-life-x-shladovsky-gallery-26734).

Photographed by Ngolo Lulu Mimy

Photographed by Ephriam Kalenga

Photographed by Ephriam Kalenga