Last night freaks, sluts, and dicks of every stripe huddled around a nondescript Las Palmas haunt (where the Houston Brothers happen to be cooking up their latest extravagant den of deviance) for a soiree to celebrate [Diesel Hate Couture]( and Flaunt's The Double Standards Issue. Hosted by TJ, Sebastien White and Dinah Rankin, who appeared in The Double Standards Issue editorial [“Revenge of the Nerds, Sluts, Freaks, & Fairies”]( featuring Diesel Hate Couture, the sightly lineup also included AllieX, Odessa Adlon, Rydel Lynch, Shaun Ross and Jaime Xie.
Once inside, guests had two options: head to the bar, where DJs Vivien James and Will Calcutt, aka Weans Machine, were kicking out the jams, or proceed to the get their photo snapped, picture-day style, referencing the conceit of the aforementioned editorial. The photos were then printed on a Diesel t-shirt and stamped with epithets from the Hate Couture campaign, either self-applied in triumphant reclamation in line with the campaign's motto ("The more hate you wear, the less you care") or justly assigned--Slut, Hater, Loser, Dick, and Homo proved particularly popular.
Those same photos were also printed on posters and collaged on a wall, and once the lights flashed on, guests saw their mugs again plastered with the aforementioned epithets. Thankfully, the [El Silencio]( mezcal we were sipping on all night is as clean at it is delicious, and we weren't much the worse for wear this morning.
