Flaunt Premiere | Patriarchy’s “He Took It Out”

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“He Took It Out” is a dark, ingenious and eerie video for [Patriarchy](https://www.instagram.com/_patriarchy_/)’s new single. [Actually Huizenga](https://www.instagram.com/actuallyhuizenga/) (“Predator Romantic”) and Andrew Means (3Teeth) are the storytellers behind the LA snuff-metal band, Patriarchy. They are not the explored; they are the explorers. The video, produced and directed/edited by Actually herself, includes mice, nudity, vampire teeth and everything in between. Beware, the video is intense and definitely a step outside of the box, but it is unapologetic. They embrace imagination and nonsense, creating a video that reveals new aspects every time you watch it. The single is on on their recently announced record, _Asking For It_, which will be out on 11/8 via [DERO Arcade](https://deroarcade.bandcamp.com/?fbclid=IwAR1JLjKrly6VvqdB4XUS1-15bK25bEXb9ovnoHH2WM60Rd4HX3lMnmRi6nk). [www.actuallyactually.com](http://www.actuallyactually.com/)