Cocovan | The World Letter

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Photographed by Angela Alvarez. ![Photographed by Angela Alvarez.](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb595af0433828a86758_The%2BWorld%2BLetter%2BNYC%2B-%2Bcredit%2BAngela%2BAlvarez.jpeg) Photographed by Angela Alvarez. French multimedia artist [Cocovan](https://www.instagram.com/iamcocovan/) spent years on stage as a burgeoning pop artist, but industry-related anxiety and depression caused her to take a step back and reevaluate what made her feel fulfilled. Searching for a purpose that would inspire joy not only for herself, but others as well, she eventually conjured up an idea to unite hearts worldwide. Thus, “The World Letter” was born. The World Letter ![The World Letter](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb595af0433828a86750_image-asset.jpeg) The World Letter Beginning on the streets of Berlin in May of 2017, what was initially a personal love letter to the world quickly evolved into a cathartic communal approach. Seeing how it immediately resonated and invoked passionate responses from total strangers across cultural boundaries, Cocovan conceived an even more exciting idea; what if someone from every country on Earth contributed to this love letter to the world, from the world? With that in mind, she began to jet-set across the globe, and during her travels, has acquired over 20,000 letters from citizens of 133 countries to date...but her work still isn’t done yet. Kogi tribe in Colombia Photographed by Cocovan ![Kogi tribe in Colombia Photographed by Cocovan](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb595af0433828a86754_The%2BWorld%2BLetter%2Bat%2BKogi%2Btribe%2Bin%2BColombia%2B2%2B-%2Bcredit%2BCocovan.jpeg) Kogi tribe in Colombia Photographed by Cocovan After three years of self-funded sweat and tears, Cocovan is now asking for your help to crowdfund the continuation of “The World Letter” and see it to its space-bound conclusion. Here at FLAUNT, we’re proud to point you toward a riveting ten-minute documentary detailing Cocovan’s groundbreaking project to date and signal boost her call for donations and spreading the word. Simply put, during these intensely divisive times, “The World Letter” has the chance to inspire hope for humanity’s chance at becoming whole. Hear Cocovan’s call for action above. Visit her [GOFUNDME](https://www.gofundme.com/f/theworldletter) to see how you can contribute to this committed art project.