
Lodestar Whiskey | A Journey Beyond Convention

Pour one out, Smoothly at that!

Written by

Isaac Dektor

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In a world full of whiskey wonders, Lodestar Whiskey stands out as an exquisite taste escapade. Born from the minds of two music industry mavens, Anna Axster and Wendelin von Schroder, Lodestar embodies the culmination of their cross-country adventures and a passion for quality spirits. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, their unconventional blend of Straight High-Rye Bourbon and American Single Malt Whiskey offers a symphony of caramel, citrus, and warm baking spice notes that dance on the palate.

So, whether you're a seasoned whiskey sipper or a curious newcomer, grab a glass, raise it high, and join the Lodestar journey. Because when it comes to whiskey, the more the merrier!

Can you elaborate on Lodestar’s flavor profile and unique blend of rye and single malt. How was the recipe developed and why the break from convention?

We fell in love with whiskey during our travels across the country for work, trying tons of different brands, even smaller local ones you can't find in California. That's where we honed our palates and created a detailed flavor profile for our dream whiskey. When we started Lodestar, we realized blending was key to nailing that perfect flavor. So, we blended High-Rye Bourbon with American Single Malt to make it. Our goal was to make a high-quality, versatile, and easy-to-love spirit for both whiskey buffs and newcomers. It's perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in cocktails. Lodestar boasts caramel and citrus notes with hints of spice and a smooth, malty finish.

What are some of the driving principles behind Whiskey, and how are they reflected in the brand's mission and ethos?

Making whiskey is an art, and we respect the knowledge and care it takes to distill a great whiskey. We also admire those who simply enjoy whiskey for what tastes good to them. Lodestar highlights the craft of whiskey making, but we believe you don't have to be an expert to appreciate it. For us, enjoying good whiskey is about building community and sharing moments with all the special people in your life.  

How did you pick L.A. as your home for Lodestar and what are your thoughts about the distilling and spirits community in the city?  

L.A. is home; we've been here forever, so launching Lodestar here just made sense and it also made sense to create something that captured the laid-back nature of California to make whiskey feel more inviting to everyone. Our experience in the L.A. spirits scene has been awesome. People seem really ready for a local women-owned whiskey brand, and we're excited to meet them and lay down a solid foundation for Lodestar in L.A.

I’m curious about the future of the brand. Can you share any upcoming initiatives for Lodestar Whiskey? Plans for collaborations or expansion into new markets?

During this first year, we’re really focused on building strong relationships with the industry and our consumers here in L.A. We are working on some exciting and unexpected collabs with other women-owned businesses and hope to share those updates on our socials soon. In the meantime, we are partnering on a lot of fun events around the city and are enjoying introducing Lodestar Whiskey while making new friends everywhere we go.

How have you tried to reach new audiences and move past gendered tropes in creating your brand?

Whiskey has this stereotype as a "guy's drink," but we're out to shake things up. If you like strong flavored spirits like Tequila or Mezcal, the jump to Whiskey isn’t far. Lodestar is super smooth and very approachable on its own, but if you want to work yourself up to drinking whiskey neat, trying Lodestar in a refreshing cocktail like our signature Lodestar Iced Tea is a great introduction. We want to change the way whiskey is perceived and we’re here to invite everyone to the party!

A lodestar helps to guide one’s course. What is your lodestar at the moment?

Joy is a big guide for us. We believe in celebrating special moments, big or small, and we hope people will reach for Lodestar Whiskey whenever there's something worth celebrating.

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Flaunt Magazine, Lodestar Whiskey, Isaac Dektor, Detox