WITHIN Exhibition | Crowns & Owls in association with mind

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Crowns & Owls is a creative collective based in London whose most recent project, _Within,_ was released on July 18th. The project, complete with a publication and short film, was created as a contribution to MIND, a mental health charity in the UK. crowns-and-owls-within-film-itsnicethat-03.jpg ![crowns-and-owls-within-film-itsnicethat-03.jpg](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b26154b38efed0f08415_crowns-and-owls-within-film-itsnicethat-03.jpeg) Not only is _Within_ impactful because of the fundraising proceeds that will go to MIND, but it also initiates a much-needed conversation about mental health.  The project successfully displayed the abundance of experiences associated with mental health and the way in which individuals navigate these issues.  crowns-and-owls-within-film-itsnicethat-01.jpg ![crowns-and-owls-within-film-itsnicethat-01.jpg](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b26154b38efed0f08411_crowns-and-owls-within-film-itsnicethat-01.jpeg) The film itself is a work of art with beautiful images and vivid metaphors. The focus is on the experience of a person struggling with their own mental health and combatting the thoughts in their mind. It is a physical journey with intensity of movement and impactful thoughts, spoken aloud.  crowns-and-owls-within-film-itsnicethat-06.jpg ![crowns-and-owls-within-film-itsnicethat-06.jpg](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b26154b38efed0f08419_crowns-and-owls-within-film-itsnicethat-06.jpeg) The physical exhibit is taking place at Protein Studios and the film is posted below and on Vimeo.  * * * Written by Louisa Solarz