JVY is the reincarnation of Jay Ru, popularly known as Jay. Jay Ru, the versatile creator believes that life is better understood backward and hence the upside-down "A" in his brand "JVY". Considering himself an introvert, Jay wants the brand to appear like an encrypted approach that mirrors his vision of life through an inverted lens. Jay was earlier called Lil Jay Ru in Philadelphia because his father was called Jay Ru by the people there. As he grew up he became popular as Jay. Now he wants to develop his personal branding by the name “JVY” which in a way is a reflection of Jay through an inverted lens.
According to Jay, JVY is a journey that will pave the way for many more versatile creators to showcase their talent. “I’m inspired by the people already executing their perspective at the highest level like Mike Amiri, Rhuigi Villaseñor and then other designers disrupting the society norms like Kanye West, Virgil Abloh and others .. God willingly, without the world putting me in a box, I’d be able to create an entirely new lane entertwined from the ground work they’ve shown the way for.”
Jay’s work has captured immense popularity on digital platforms within a brief period. It has marked its presence on Twitter, Instagram, Sound cloud, and Facebook. Jay Ru is seen as a leader by the creators who are a part of this group.
Apart from JVY, Jay Ru is also a co-founder and the creative director of Ammo Stilo. The brand was originally created by the name of Ammo which stands for Another Money Making Opportunity. Back then Ammo was just a hobby and a way of life. Ammo was later revamped and STILO was introduced as a suffix and acronym for Some Trendy Individuals Living Out. Ammo Stilo found its base under the leadership of Jay with his business partner and friend Trebor, who's also called Robert Backwards. “Trebor plays a pivotal role for the brand too. Back to the whole introverted branding, it’s really apart of who I am and my actual personality. I’m not not the most social person in the world and he picks up the slack for that a lot of the time.”
Eventually, the brand became a renowned project to help creators display their inspiring ideas. Ammo Stilo became a well-known brand for designer clothes and accessories.
Ammo Stilo touched many lives on its way to success, eventually creating an underground community around it. The members of this community call themselves STILO-DIERS. They are ardent supporters of the brand and have almost become a part of the Ammo Stilo family. During the launch of their previous collection, both the founders of Ammo Stilo were able to establish a strong connection with the STILO-DIERS. Most of them have now inked themselves permanently with Ammo Stilo tattoos to associate themselves with the brand. Ammo Stilo has an extensive presence across social media platforms and has grabbed millions of eyeballs so far. YouTube videos on interviews and beginner's guide to Ammo Stilo have garnered positive attention.