The Queen | Film Screening
Before there was _Pose_, there was _RuPaul’s Drag Race_, and more than 40 years before RuPaul was teaching you how to love yourself, the documentary _The Queen_ introduced competitive drag to the world. The film is centered around the 1967 Miss All-American Camp Beauty Pageant and showcases backstage exclusive footage as contestants simultaneously throw shade and transform into their drag alter egos. With a flawless panel of judges including Andy Warhol, Larry Rivers and Terry Southern, all organized by LGBTQ+ icon and activist Flawless Sabrina, this film that emulates pure talent will forever be remembered as a vibrant piece of queer history. With images from the original camera negatives, a brand new restoration is being released of _The Queen_. Take yourself back to a time before _Paris is Burning_ and witness the mother of queer documentaries on the big screen in all of its glory.  Watch an _Outfest Legacy Project Screening_ of _The Queen_ on Saturday July 20, 7pm at [TCL Chinese Theaters](http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YLl-8zN3BNp9RKX7XevZ0QJUUiXvJABrtA6eGM5h3Rvubh7XdFp-ZKOHoAVuFF4QbLLxne7nhK26s_PvKr0JF-S4HRAzu8PQlAECqPOMRzefQvgIlDlDPxm5iMS9Fc9SbhvrxzQ2qpv-BCH27zVIfEGhKGiuUOI5NPmMK4WEpOeHBpeNm7NvkA==&c=Ab1JfXWW9in6HFgbaqUi9BcUR3LzJfeJsevvHWiBcZZRguMsiFW-yA==&ch=wCvuCVVXtM-GAardHZ5dK6RnR8g5F6vmU7zSSSvHclwrwAjdPrK8-w==)