For this 92nd edition of world-famous Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, [**FriendsWithYou**](**,** the fine art collaborative of Samuel Borkson and Arturo Sandoval III, created a flying balloon of their iconic character Little Cloud. A key central image in many FriendsWithYou artworks over the last sixteen years, Little Cloud represents light, tranquility, and unconditional love, its soft power radiating positivity and lightheartedness. The balloon is the latest entry in Macy’s **_Blue Sky Gallery_** series, which invites celebrated contemporary artists to contribute flying artworks to the annual holiday spectacle.
The LA based duo is known for their immersive installations and interactive artworks that inspire world unity through love, joy, and compassion. Having gained international recognition with their public exhibitions and artworks in museums, art galleries, and public spaces throughout the United States and internationally the artists have been featured at institutions such as the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), the Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA), Art Basel Miami Beach and many more.
Flaunt had the chance to chat up the duo during their rush after the parade.
**How did you guys get involved in this event?**
It’s a nice story - a few years ago we made tiny candies with Rachel Shechtman for our Rainbow City art installation at the Highline. 8 years later she created STORY and was able to help us make this reality!
**Is this the largest sculpture you guys have done?**
No but it is the largest helium inflatable we have made fly!
**What is the inspiration behind using Little Cloud for this event?**
Its a symbol of light love and hope. An accessible cultural icon for the world.
**How has being involved in such an iconic event been?**
Huge dream come true! Every minute is crazy!
**What can we expect from your never-before-seen works at The Hole and Arsham/Fieg Gallery?**
Lots of strange fun works and tons of me and Tury’s hand in each piece! Plus some surprises here and there.