Austin Ermes | Elevating NELK BOYS to the Success They Enjoy Today

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1. Austin Ermes JPost FLAUNT.jpg ![1. Austin Ermes JPost FLAUNT.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d296889ecbe4d699db5f_1.%2BAustin%2BErmes%2BJPost%2BFLAUNT.jpeg) Today, the prank bros and party lifestyle team known as NELK BOYS have over 6 million subscribers on YouTube, as well as over 6 million on Instagram alone. This extraordinary level of success has in part been due to filmmaker and editor [Austin Ermes](https://www.instagram.com/ausgod/?hl=en). As the Director of Content for NELK BOYS and their brand FULL SEND, Austin has helped elevate the infamous party lifestyle troupe to new heights ever since taking over as the lead for video content almost 3 years ago. The massive online presence that NELK BOYS has today is not just due to the daring and bold pranks they pull off, but also the fast-paced montage cinematography style Austin uses while filming and editing. Going by @AUSGOD on social media, Austin has been a video content creator his entire life. His love of traveling was supported thanks to having opportunities to shoot all over the world working with NELK BOYS. At 25 years old, he’s already achieved so much, yet sees himself accomplishing a whole lot more in the future. Austin films, edits, and directs the content for the NELK BOYS YouTube channel, along with the brand’s other social media platforms. He provides creative direction within the brand when it comes to the marketing and design of its merchandise, offered through FULL SEND. The use of hyped-up merch drops that occur once every 2 months generates a significant amount of buzz and income for NELK BOYS. The die-hard fans have made the merchandise released by FULL SEND to be some of the most sought-after on the internet. It’s not unusual for the merch to sell out in mere minutes after it drops. Getting his start at the University of Guelph-Humber in Toronto, Ontario, Canada helped Austin embark on the path of the professional filmmaker he is today. After getting his degree in Media Studies and diploma in Digital Communications, Austin was able to get a job right away working in his field, becoming the lead videographer and editor for clothing and lifestyle brand East Coast Lifestyle. While there, he was freelancing through his video production company AUSGOD and had NELK BOYS as one of his clients. While it took some time before Austin got offered a full-time position with the brand, he took hold of the opportunity and moved his life to the United States where the team was located. His unique editing style coupled with his bold ideas has led to the creation of one of the largest audiences on social media. The cutaway b-roll montages he creates have become a signature of the NELK BOYS brand, helping viewers feel like they’re a part of all the exciting action. For Austin, working with NELK BOYS is a dream come true, and he plans to continue filming and editing for a long time to come. Follow Austin Ermes on Instagram [@ausgod](https://www.instagram.com/ausgod/?hl=en), NELK BOYS [@nelkboys](https://www.instagram.com/nelkboys/), and FULL SEND [@fullsend](https://www.instagram.com/fullsend/). You can also find NELK BOYS on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/user/NelkFilmz/featured).