Dynamic Performances | ASSEMBLY

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Jason Moran, June 30 ![Jason Moran, June 30](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1562183378870-6RUQ6OBCOA6ZGMNNZ15W/IMG_0324.JPG) Jason Moran, June 30 Great talent is cooking in New York City: the final weekend of [The Kitchen’s](https://thekitchen.org/event/assembly) [_ASSEMBLY_](https://www.flaunt.com/content/assembly-the-kitchen) has come to an end with 10 artists staging dynamic performances throughout the Chelsea art and performance venue. The three-weekend-long event series brought together a grand total of 16 artists to promote thinking about access and collectivity to ignite a rich cultural exchange. Saturday’s performance featured three artists in the following order: [NAR](https://soundcloud.com/narrokh) — a trans male artist from New York who has produced music for the [Fenty Beauty’s Moroccan Spice ad](https://www.instagram.com/p/Bkds3oqlQJe/), [Angie Pittman](https://www.angiepittman.com) — a New York-based award-winning dancer and educator, and [Lafawndah](https://soundcloud.com/lafawndah) — an Egyptian-Iranian performer with vocals comparable to those of FKA twigs. For the show, spaces that were originally used as a gallery, theater and office were emptied and converted into performance venues that were activated sequentially by the performances. Angie Pittman, June 29 ![Angie Pittman, June 29](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b84bb85a752a305f29ab_image-asset.jpeg) Angie Pittman, June 29 NAR started off the night with a Middle Eastern twist on club bass scores, accompanied by an animation projected on screens behind the artist. The crowd then descended one floor lower to witness the dance and monologue of Angie Pittman, followed by the final set of the night — an almost ritual-like performance by Lafawndah. A great platform for up-and-coming talent, [_ASSEMBLY_](https://thekitchen.org/event/assembly) is a meditation on how non-profit institutions (such as [The Kitchen](https://thekitchen.org)) should represent and be shaped by their publics today. Since its inception in 1971, the venue has helped launch the careers of many emerging artists, fostering a living dialogue across disciplines and creating art that defines our time. Nar, June 29 ![Nar, June 29](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b84bb85a752a305f29bb_image-asset.jpeg) Nar, June 29 * * * Photography by: © Paula Court