Q&A | Svitlana Bevza

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Svitlana Bevza | AW19 ![Svitlana Bevza | AW19](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b58bf785e15019c511eb_image-asset.jpeg) Svitlana Bevza | AW19 [Bevza](https://bevza.com/) is the minimal-inspired Ukranian womenswear brand established by Svitlana Bevza. Clean silhouettes reflect a timeless elegance with influential notes from Svitlana’s hometown of Kyiv. Known for the signature white dresses, Bevza creates simple styles that serve as a blank canvas to dress up and down for any occasion. Her most recent AW19 collection, The Closet, includes the signature white dress, FAUX REALITY coats, and puffers, as well as leg warmers inspired by a Ukranian morning gymnastics TV show “rhytmika.” We spoke with the intuitive designer to discuss the brand’s background, influences, and AW19 collection. Bevza AW19 ![Bevza AW19](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b58bf785e15019c511e7_image-asset.jpeg) Bevza AW19 **_How have your Ukrainian roots influenced your design concepts?_** When I grew up, especially in the late nineteens, we had an interesting, quite specific processes going on in Ukraine. We had a deficit of clothes, media, industrial goods, everything that was foreign. Women in our country styled themselves through some catalogue videos and rare magazines that we could get from abroad. I still find a lot of inspiration from the memories in my mom’s wardrobe and memories from my teenage years. So yes, Ukrainian roots influenced Bevza a lot. Bevza AW19 ![Bevza AW19](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b58bf785e15019c511dc_bevza%2B18.jpeg) Bevza AW19 **_How did Bevza begin?_** I dreamed of becoming a designer since my early childhood. My first higher education at the University of Trade and Economics was as an economist, but fashion design was my dream, since I was 4 оr 5, (the age when I told my mother I want to own a fashion house. I literally made sketches of houses, where models lived with huge wardrobes). I had already been working on my third collection during my second higher education at the University of Technologies and Design. ![bevza 22.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1550696085282-BLUMZP3A948W4GI7HEOF/bevza+22.jpg) ![bevza 25.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1550696085349-TCU92B3PI9LQPK2UBXJX/bevza+25.jpg) #block-yui\_3\_17\_2\_1\_1550613427282\_120100 .sqs-gallery-block-grid { margin-right: -20px; } #block-yui\_3\_17\_2\_1\_1550613427282\_120100 .sqs-gallery-block-grid .sqs-gallery-design-grid-slide .margin-wrapper { margin-right: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; } **_While clean and straightforward, your silhouettes reflect feminine elegance. How do you approach minimalism in your design process?_** It’s always a key interest to play with simple things and make them different and eye-catching. Because it's much more complicated to create pure and clean items that look extraordinary and sophisticated. So, I love playing with that and minimalism comes from my inner style preferences. I like clothes to look elegant, refined and clear. There is still a lot of intuition leading me on what to do, what to create. Bevza AW19 ![Bevza AW19](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b58bf785e15019c511e3_bevza%2B16.jpeg) Bevza AW19 **_Which garment holds the most significance to you thus far?_** I think it’s the white dress. Bevza started doing this item as compulsory from the very beginning, and in every collection, the white dress is a signature. It can be long, short, evening; it can be a spring dress, light and structured, etc. I love to play with white colors because, on the one hand, it’s one of the most complicated colors, but on the other hand, it’s always something new, energetic, and emotionally refreshing. When wearing white, you create a new day, new you every day. It’s like a blank sheet of paper that can be modified, that can entirely create a new mood in your new day. ![bevza 11.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1550695947757-5WGU32C9NWRL9IYU7UCO/bevza+11.jpg) ![bevza 12.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1550695972470-QACVAAG1MFG8JI8PJ9NW/bevza+12.jpg) #block-yui\_3\_17\_2\_1\_1550613427282\_110462 .sqs-gallery-block-grid { margin-right: -20px; } #block-yui\_3\_17\_2\_1\_1550613427282\_110462 .sqs-gallery-block-grid .sqs-gallery-design-grid-slide .margin-wrapper { margin-right: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; } **_Tell us about the influences and inspirations behind your recent AW19 collection._** This season is about incorporating key pieces which every woman should have in their seasonal wardrobe. Fall 19 collection is called ‘The Closet.’ It is literally soaked with my love for Kiev. It includes a floral printed jacket which is a print of a photo I took on my iPhone of the Kyiv National Botanic Garden in autumn. Bevza's signature white dresses and square shaped shoulders will be once again present this season. Taking on an athletic flair, by introducing leg warmers inspired by a Ukrainian morning gymnastics TV show “rhytmika” that I watched as a kid. Key points that I stand on are elegance in its best, purity and timeless. Bevza AW19 ![Bevza AW19](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b58bf785e15019c511df_bevza%2B24.jpeg) Bevza AW19 * * *