Lisa Adams 'A Piebald Era' | Garis & Hahn

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Lisa Adams, The Hidden Fear Of Veracity (2018)Oil on panel, 42 x48 in, Courtesy of the artist and Garis & Hahn. ![Lisa Adams, The Hidden Fear Of Veracity (2018)Oil on panel, 42 x48 in, Courtesy of the artist and Garis & Hahn.](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b4e5e46cbfa3d9e823ae_Lisa-adams-flaunt.jpeg) Lisa Adams, _The Hidden Fear Of Veracity_ (2018)Oil on panel, 42 x48 in, Courtesy of the artist and [Garis & Hahn](http://garisandhahn.com). Lisa Adam’s work may be presented as a dreary dark fantasy land of dystopian prophecies. While the surrealist quality is apparent in its tone and nature the subject matter often feels too real. Stepping away from her work, there is a lingering feeling of disappointment in humanity and the knowledge that this could be where we end up. Her paintings have been a reflection of her surroundings as a local Downtown Angelenos as well as frequent patron of places such as the graffiti wall at Griffith park and the LA river. These places well highlight the extremes of nature and it’s industrial counterpart. Lisa Adams 'A Piebald Era' January 12 - February 17, 2019 [Garis & Hahn](http://garisandhahn.com/) 1820 Industrial St. Los Angeles, CA 90021 * * * Cover image: Lisa Adams, _Lifes a Tickle_ (2018) Oil on panel, 48 x 60 in, Courtesy of the artist and Garis & Hahn.