HUBLOT | Tricks and Treats - Big Bang MP-11 SAXEM

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Courtesy Hublot ![Courtesy Hublot](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472babad869492e22731bea_0-35.jpeg) Courtesy Hublot With Halloween around the corner, [**Hublot**](https://www.hublot.com/en/) stirred the cauldron to create a sapphire and emerald green Big Bang MP-11 watch. To give it its unique shade of green (not quite emerald and not quite sapphire), they used a material that has never been used in a watchcase. The material is called SAXEM, which is short for sapphire aluminum oxide and rare earth material. It is a mixture of aluminum oxide (the basic component of sapphire) with rare-earth elements like thulium and holmium.