Chloë Sevigny x Régime des Fleurs | Little Flower

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Courtesy Inez and Vinoodh for Régime des Fleurs ![Courtesy Inez and Vinoodh for Régime des Fleurs](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b94aefe20fd2402b5808_Chloe%2Bsevigny%2Bregime%2Bdes%2Bfleurs%2Bflaunt.jpeg) Courtesy Inez and Vinoodh for Régime des Fleurs Over the past year and a half, 33 versions of [Little Flower](https://regimedesfleurs.com/products/little-flower) eau de perfume have existed. [Chloë Sevigny](https://www.instagram.com/chloessevigny/), actress, director and perfume aficionado, worked closely alongside [Régime des Fleurs](https://regimedesfleurs.com)’ Alia Raza and Ezra Woods, to develop a scent inspired by Sevigny’s signature flower: the rose. Courtesy Inez and Vinoodh for Régime des Fleurs ![Courtesy Inez and Vinoodh for Régime des Fleurs](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b94aefe20fd2402b5805_Chloe%2Bsevigny%2Bregime%2Bdes%2Bfleurs%2Bflaunt.jpeg) Courtesy Inez and Vinoodh for Régime des Fleurs Sevigny’s revitalization of the rose features notes of pomelo and blackcurrant bud, a heart of peony and rose, and a base of dry incense, palo santo and guaiac woods. Sevigny added finishing touches of black tea and maté absolute. The gorgeous accompanying campaign imagery was shot by frequent collaborators [Inez and Vinoodh.](https://www.instagram.com/inezandvinoodh/?hl=en) Sevigny has worked with Raza and Wood several times over the years, with Wood styling her for red carpets and Raza who has featured her in art films. As a Catholic, Sevigny seemed the perfect choice for Raza and Wood’s 2015 St Thérèse project. Raza and Woods wrote a poem which followed the structure of the Catholic prayer “The Miraculous Invocation to Thérèse of Lisieux,” the 19th century saint known as “The Little Flower,” who henceforth became the patron saint of flowers. Sevigny’s recording of the poem went on to be remixed by French fashion DJ Michel Gaubert, which spread from dance clubs to Chanel’s 2016 haute couture finale. To celebrate the momentous launch, the actress will be signing her new scent at Dover Street Market Los Angeles on Saturday, 8/24 from 2-4pm. She will also select a "best outfit" inspired by Little Flower—the winner will get a free bottle of course.