Avec Elle | An Immersive Art Exhbition by Hermès

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Courtesy of Hermès ![Courtesy of Hermès](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b24b7325d74473a06dda_Beach1.jpeg) Courtesy of Hermès The National Art Center, Tokyo (NACT) is a 14,000 square meter Art Facility, one of the largest in Japan, focusing on serving as a venue for innovative art exhibitions. Until July 30th, Hermès in collaboration with NACT will hold an exhibition, _Avec Elle_ centered on the concept of the modern woman presented in their Autumn/Winter 2018 collection. Courtesy of Hermès ![Courtesy of Hermès](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b24b7325d74473a06dde_image-asset.jpeg) Courtesy of Hermès Avec Elle will afford attendees the opportunity to “share the writer’s perspective, look through the film-maker’s lens, and see with an actor’s eyes” as the follow a writer pursuing the elusive _HER_. The venue has transformed into an immersive space conceptualized by Women’s Universe Artist Director, Bali Barret, and designed by French filmmaker and exhibition curator Laure Flammarion allowing visitors explore as cinema and its illusions take us on a journey. Courtesy of Hermès ![Courtesy of Hermès](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b24a7325d74473a06dd6_Parking1.jpeg) Courtesy of Hermès _Avec Elle_ will be open be from July 11th - July 30th at The National Art Center, Tokyo. Find more information [here](http://www.nact.jp/english/exhibitions/2018/hermesavecelle/). * * *