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[SPRING/BREAK LA](http://www.springbreakartshow.com/sb-los-angeles/) is transforming a historic textile-manufacturing building into a show space that weaves in boundless 21st century maximalism. The _IN EXCESS_ theme surrounding the visual presentations acts as a discussion about the embedded relationships between contemporary society and capitalism. Rooted in the work of 50 exhibitions from independent curators and gallerists, artistic intentions will consist of everything from materialism to overconsumption. Participants are set to include previous exhibitors such as FEMMEBIT and Outback Arthouse to new artist-run spaces from Secret Project Robot and The New Arts Foundation. The bicoastal _IN EXCESS_ installations in the SPRING/BREAK LA and SPRING/BREAK NY experiences will unify art as an armor to overabundance. SPRING/BREAK Art Show LA will be held at SKYLIGHT ROW DTLA from February 14-16, 2020. * * * Photographed by [Samuel Morgan](http://www.samuelmorganphotography.com)