Delorean Muzik LP

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unspecified.jpg ![unspecified.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472abdf406c9f60e75553e6_unspecified.jpeg) If the album were a drink, it would be whiskey on the rocks Muzik. So reads the title of Spanish alternative dance band DeLorean's new LP, and the title is apt. The album's rhythmic beats and dreamy vocals are simple, straightforward, and sweet, but the tracks are more than effortless alt pop or repetitive house music. The tracks are layered, manicured, and dense, a conglomeration of many different sonic aesthetics and influences. It's an experimentation on, well, music, a study in the art of songwriting, in all its contradictory complexities and simplifications. We asked the band about the styles, processes, and inspirations behind the album. **Who influences you musically?** We all listen to all sorts of music but for Muzik our main idea was to lean towards a house sound. **How do you like listening to music?** We all have different rituals I guess. I personally listen to music in the morning, then we go work and we focus on our songs. **What is your creative process like?** We all put ideas on the table and then we pick the ones that are more interesting to all of us and keep working on them until we get a good final result. Usually the songs go from one hand to another until they're finished. **How do Spain or Barcelona contribute to your sound?** We don't know. Maybe they contribute somehow but we don't realize how. We usually think on the music we listen to and get inspiration from it. **What or who inspires your lyrics?** Many issues but for this record it's all about the mysteries of the process of songwriting. **Do you have a ritual before going on stage?** No we don't. We know some bands do have rituals but we always liked the idea of not really making a big issue about that moment when you get on stage, it would make us more nervous. **What has been your favorite place to perform so far?** New York probably. We love the city and the feedback we get from the people it's just amazing. **How is the _Muzik LP_ different from your previous records?** It just has a different feel. It's housier in terms of beat and rhythm but it's very melodic and ethereal vocally. **If you were to associate a drink to the record, what drink would it be?** Some slow drink I guess. Some whisky on the rocks maybe?