
Touching Ice | “nothing matters more than love”

The Sharp Edge of Softness

Written by

Bree Castillo

Photographed by

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Photographed by Jack Dione

In the search for connection, we learn at a certain age that love isn’t something that comes to us with time but with loss. See here, industrial-sleaze trio, Touching Ice explore what’s at risk with their latest offering “nothing matters more than love.” 

Ahead of their full-length project coming in the fall, the LA-based band’s first single is a tug-of-war of intricate interplay between cruel intensity and gentle vulnerability. Heartfelt, pop-like sentiments are interrupted by a dense wall of textural guitar and pummeling drum machines in opposition to whispers of circuit-bent electronics and waning synths. 

Pleading lyrics fight against relentless dissonance wanting to be heard but inevitably surrenders, building on a similar nexus as consciousness between agony and ecstasy. There's a distinct push-and-pull, an intention of wanting to know why we must endure life to live it, a reminder that falling in love is still falling. 

“nothing matters more than love” comes to us shortly after their three-part release of Jersey City / 2k14 soft grunge at the end of last year, and begins a release cadence leading up to their upcoming album.

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Touching Ice, nothing matters more than love