
Markuann Smith: A Story of Tenacity, Determination, and Success

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Suit by: Zara

Shirt by: Treffort
Watch by: Rolex
Shoes by: Gucci



Markuann Smith is a man who never believed in Plan B. He is a walking testimony of the power of perseverance and hard work. His story stands out because of his tenacity and determination never to give up. It took him 18 years to get his show done after a promise to his Godmother Margaret Johnson. He faced numerous challenges and obstacles on his journey to success, but he never gave up. Today, he is a successful actor, producer, and inspiring people around the world to chase their passions and never give up on their dreams.


Markuann's notable career highlights include his labor of love show - GODFATHER Of HARLEM on MGMPLUS which broke records and received an Emmy and a few NAACP nominations. He has also been able to travel the world and work with people who have changed the world, such as Tupac Shakur and Forest Whittaker. Markuann's biggest challenge was drowning out the white noise. Coming from an inner-city community where your environment was supposed to decide your future, he had to overcome the odds for a black man in America who was told he wouldn't live to be 21. He had to constantly prove himself to his peers, auditioning for his own show to get his role.

Shirt by: Treffort

Watch by: Rolex



Markuann's wisdom to people is to always remember that there are no bunk beds in the graveyard. Life is precious, and you should enjoy it and never give up on your dreams. Markuann's brand is growing, and he wants to inspire people to understand that they can turn lemons into lemonade. He calls it "edutainment" after the great KRS1 said, and he wants to inspire generations to come and leave a legacy, leaving his fingerprints in time. He is looking to collaborate with brands that have a story behind the story, whether spirits, automobiles, or apparel.


Markuann's story of success is inspiring and shows that anyone can achieve their dreams if they are willing to work hard and never give up. He faced numerous challenges and obstacles on his journey to success, but he persevered and achieved his goals. His story is a testament to the power of determination and tenacity. He is an inspiration to people around the world, encouraging them to chase their passions and never give up on their dreams.


Markuann can be reached on Instagram @Markuann. He is always willing to share his story and inspire others to achieve their goals. His message is clear: never give up on your dreams and always believe in yourself. Markuann's story of success is one that will continue to inspire people for generations to come.

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