Underworld & Iggy Pop | Teatime Dub Encounters

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Courtesy of Youtube ![Courtesy of Youtube](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b255e75fa226ce9d4200_Screen%2BShot%2B2018-07-16%2Bat%2B12.58.37%2BPM.png) Courtesy of Youtube Underworld and Iggy Pop's newest collaboration is a 4 track EP called _Teatime Dub_ and it's coming to you fresh off the tracks on July 27th. The EP is the product of spontaneous bursts of creativity and several hotel room recording seshes after the recent releases of both artists' new albums. Going alongside with the spontaneity of a full makeshift recording studio in a hotel room, the music expresses the declination to dwell on the past, but instead focuses on the creative process and artists in motion. Two of the tracks are already released, the first track, "Bells & Circles", was performed by Underworld at the BBC Biggest Weekend Belfast and the second, "I'll See Big", has been streaming on all platforms. Keep an eye out for the release of the last two songs via Caroline International.  Written by Louisa Solarz