Flaunt Premiere | The Crystal Method "The Raze"

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In this sixth full-length album _The Trip Home_, The Crystal Method takes on a new path pioneered by Scott Kirkland, co-founder of the duo now taking on the role as a solo act. With the release of the new album comes the album track, “The Raze”, with visuals that catapult fans through an empowering metamorphosis that mimic the journey and now direction of the former duo. Vocalless piercing melodies, feet running for freedom and meditative moments, set this video as an experience of cathartic release through visual therapy. With twelve songs on the album, each tells a different story of returning home to its roots while rebirthing the brand. Kirkland wanders into futurism without straying too far from the duo’s electronic roots. ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b35b0431a08bc0e62f2b_image-asset.jpeg) “I wanted to create a concept album of sorts,” Kirkland says, “a project that speaks to what’s going on in my life right now and a vision that also brings The Crystal Method sound forward and shapes it in a new way. I’ve been enjoying the idea of making an album like our debut album Vegas, where every song is different. Every song has a different BPM, every song has different emotions, every song has different elements.” —Kirkland Get the new album [here](http://smarturl.it/TheTripHome) * * * Written by Charmaine Griffin Images courtesy of The Crystal Method