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![](http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1487291703431-E9BQ8A5WEBITRJJ4T7MQ/5O9A5882WeissEdit1.jpg) [](#)[](#) TY DOLLA $IGN Lucy is Sky-High with $$$ _The L.A. rapper provided answers to a mad lib and then fell into a bathtub of green plants._  #### Your Name: **Ty Dolla $ign** #### Your Friend’s Name: **DJ Mustard** #### Favorite Weed: **Dolla $ign OG** #### Automobile: **BMW i8** #### Adjective: **Nasty** #### Place: **My house** #### Verb: **Love** #### Profession: **Entertainer** #### Tool: **My deeznikkk (dick)** #### Adjective: **Big** #### Verb: **Hate** #### Animal: **Dog** #### Emotion: **Happy** #### Picture yourself in a _Dolla $ign OG_ on a river, #### With _Dolla $ign OG_ trees and _Dolla $ign OG_ skies #### Somebody calls you, you _Hate_ quite _Nasty_, #### A girl with _Nasty_ eyes. #### Cellophane _My House_ of _Big_ and green, #### _Hate_ over your head. #### _Hate_ for the girl with the _Ty Dolla $ign_ in her eyes, #### And she\`s gone. #### _DJ Mustard_ in the sky with _Dog_... #### _DJ Mustard_ in the sky with _Dog_... #### _DJ Mustard_ in the sky with _Dog_... #### Follow her down to _My House_ by a fountain #### Where rocking horse _Dolla $ign OG_ eat _Happy_ pies, #### Everyone _Love_ as you _Love_ past the flowers, #### That _Love_ so incredibly high. #### Newspaper _Ty Dolla $ign_ appear on the shore, #### Waiting to take you away. #### Climb in the back with your _My Deeznikkk (Dick)_ in the clouds, #### And you\`re gone. #### Picture yourself on a _i8 BMW_ in a _My House_, #### With _Big_ _Entertainer_ with looking glass _Dolla $ign OG_, #### Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile, #### The girl with _Nasty_ eyes. #### _DJ Mustard_ in the sky with _Dog_... #### _DJ Mustard_ in the sky with _Dog_... #### _DJ Mustard_ in the sky with _Dog_...