Nostalgia | Pacing Forwards, Shuffling Backwards

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Nostalgia. From the Greek, nóstos (a return home) álgos (pain; ache). That nagging and lingering feeling that we’re all well-acquainted with. Lust for the past and what once was. Sometimes acute and overwhelming, other times dull and barely noticeable. It doesn’t discriminate against any of the senses. Occasionally a familiar song or the soothing wool of an old knitted sweater will spark an instant memory. Other times, it creeps in from a recognizable scent or a flavor that, like deju-vu, reminds us of a past sentiment. The world seems to crave nostalgia more than usual these days, and the entertainment industry has capitalized on it by rebooting TV shows (_Jersey Shore; Roseanne Will and Grace; Fear Factor; Love Connection; Queer Eye For the Straight Guy; Twin Peaks_ etc.) and remaking movies (_Suspiria, A Star Is Born, Beauty and The Beast_ etc.). Some shows, like _Stranger Things_, even cash in on the aesthetics of nostalgia. Storylines are re-wrought and set pieces are redesigned to fit the contemporary climate. Twin Peaks; Courtesy of Indie Wire ![Twin Peaks; Courtesy of Indie Wire](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b204d948f9c3d4991ca1_courtesy%2Bof%2Bindie%2Bwire.png) _Twin Peaks_; Courtesy of Indie Wire The music industry has even chimed in. From those indie covers that rework classic songs, to obscure hip-hop samples, to the concerted marketing energy put towards vinyl. So why do we crave nostalgia? According to scholars, nostalgia counteracts feelings of loneliness. Like cocaine, it quickly rushes into our neural system and hypes our psyche up when we’re feeling low. And it’s no wonder we’re all feeling so low-2018 has proved to be a devastating year so far. This longing for the past seems natural. But will reminiscing on those fond and fuzzy times help our situation? Will watching the new _Halloween_ or putting on an old record get us out of our funk? Or is it possible it keeps us from moving forward? Halloween; Photo via: @halloweenmovie ![Halloween; Photo via: @halloweenmovie](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b204d948f9c3d4991ca4_halloween.png) _Halloween_; Photo via: @[halloweenmovie](https://www.instagram.com/halloweenmovie/) Like the ridiculous “Make America Great Again,” appeal, nostalgia often forces rose-colored glasses onto the bridge of our nose. It causes us to remember all the warm and glowing memories of the past and brush all our terrible recollections under the rug. It even prompts us to misremember events entirely—a decade ripe with hatred and violence, is idolized as the era of suburban bliss. I’m not here to argue with scientists (I’ll leave that to the devout religious disciples out there). I’m sure a healthy dose of nostalgia is good for the sociology of our soul. But like Oscar Wilde warned us, “Everything in moderation, including moderation.”  Written By: Tori Adams