Night Gallery presents an exhibition of new paintings by David Korty

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Night Gallery announces _Howl_, an exhibition of new paintings by admired Los Angeles based painter David Korty, opening March 16. This will be Korty’s third solo exhibition at the gallery, following exhibitions in 2013 and 2016. David Korty, "Torso with large blue ears #2," 2019 flashe paint on canvas with paper and crayon 72 x 48 in ![David Korty, "Torso with large blue ears #2," 2019 flashe paint on canvas with paper and crayon 72 x 48 in](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b5f8d07285b2d14aa648_Flaunt-David-Korty.jpeg) David Korty, "Torso with large blue ears #2," 2019[ ](https://show.inventory.gallery/c?u=/126/js2kxptk/NG_DavidKorty_2019_02.jpg&o=e7b11ebc-2fd5-11e9-914d-87c1b1c121f7&i=97916&t=image)flashe paint on canvas with paper and crayon[ ](https://show.inventory.gallery/c?u=/126/js2kxptk/NG_DavidKorty_2019_02.jpg&o=e7b11ebc-2fd5-11e9-914d-87c1b1c121f7&i=97916&t=image)72 x 48 in Considered one of Los Angeles’s most influential mid-career painters, Korty’s latest work assembles his signature strict formalism to create more colorful, animated, and humorous compositions. The results brings forth the appearance of cartoonish mouselike figures whose postures and expressions of fear speak to the current political climate. _Howl_ will run at Night Gallery from March 16 through April 20. 2276 East 16th St. Los Angeles CA, 90021 [nightgallery.ca](http://nightgallery.ca/) * * * Photos courtesy of Night Gallery