Guy Gerber and DJ Harvey bring notorious Rumors dance party to L.A.

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![](http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1487292770435-MBELYX7ZI80RB8DXKIJ5/Guy_Gerber_promo_%C2%A9SilvanaFazzalari-4-1.jpg) ![](http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1487292811357-S4O96HQ7RPMPNNOUWTZW/unnamed1.jpg) [](#)[](#) Guy Gerber and DJ Harvey bring notorious Rumors dance party to L.A. Rumor has it, we will be riotously risqué and rambunctious come Saturday Our fortune cookie tells us that this weekend is going to see delirious sunsets, rambunctious dance moves, and superstar DJ's Guy Gerber and DJ Harvey whip Chinatown L.A. into a frenzy. Globetrotting Israeli DJ, Guy Gerber (who [looked majestic](http://archive.flaunt.com/s/music/guy-gerber/img) in _The Sharks Issue_) is teaming up with DJ Harvey (whose last _Flaunt_ appearance in the _Big Bang Issue_ saw him shirtless, cowboy-hatted, and next to a naked chick) to play an extended set dance party in Chinatown's Gin Ling Way, the first ever dance party at the location. The show, titled Rumors, made a legendary debut two years ago as a free beach party in Ibiza with no announced line-ups—merely rumors of an amazing time to be had. The concept remains the same today: adding surprise sets to beautiful sunsets. The party starts at 6 p.m. Tickets are available [here](https://www.residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?840107). **What's the most surreal moment you've ever had during a set?** Guy Gerber: Mmm, well, when I was at Burning Man in 2013, a few friends came with a car called the Shagilac (spelling). I got in and started playing music from it – it had massive speakers on top of it. We started driving all around the desert. Bicycles started following us – in the middle of nowhere for six hours. More and more people started showing up. It was pretty crazy. DJ Harvey: A fish on a bicycle. **What's the last thing you were scared to touch?** Guy Gerber: My headphones after I left them in the microwave. DJ Harvey: My chihuahuas anal glands - I just can't do it **What fashion decision do you most regret?** Guy Gerber: Wearing a tank top. In general. It’s not for me. Every time I wear a tank top, I can tell that they were just not made for me. DJ Harvey: Nothing - I always look fabulous, darling. **Who was the best James Bond? Why?** Guy Gerber: A lot of people say Sean Connery. But for me, it’s Roger Moore. One of the first ones I saw was Octopussy – my dad took me to the theater for it. Roger had more class than any other – he wore a white blazer better than all of them. DJ Harvey: Roger Moore - The perfect combo of style, wit and bedside manner. **Fireside, atop bearskin rug orgies... Or warm tropical beach side atop sand? Any why?**  Guy Gerber: I’d say tropical beach side – I have orgies every day anyways DJ Harvey: Fireside atop bearskin rug orgies for sure - I don't appreciate sandy sex **What was the last time you were visibly furious in public?**  Guy Gerber: There’s one particular moment, when a tour manager tried to help me fix my setup at a party that I did with Red Bull in Miami. He fucked it up even more – he broke my computer! The other DJ had to keep on playing – it almost ruined the party! DJ Harvey: A good one was the time I was told my first class ticket to Bali was somehow null and void - it wasn't pretty **If smelling is the sense that helps taste, what's the sense that helps hearing (in relation to music)?**  Guy Gerber: There’s not so many senses left after smell and taste, but I guess for me, hearing, in relation to music, is most closely helped by dreaming! DJ Harvey: Vision - I can read lips. **You've been asked to spin at Donald Trump’s republican convention, congrats. Any favorite tracks to follow the toast?**  Guy Gerber: ZZ Top – Tube snake boogie DJ Harvey:  Not sure he can afford to buy me but F'yeh I'd take that fools money.  I'd play Nellie the Elephant, off he went with a Trumpety trump. **Have you any superstitions? Where did they come from?** Guy Gerber: I’m extremely superstitious. I used to play soccer for many many years. Playing sports develops a lot of methods that you use to change your luck! Anyone that is superstitious knows I can’t reveal what my superstitions are! DJ Harvey: Sometimes I do have superstitions so to break them I'll walk under the ladder purposefully - I also decided that if a urinal flushes while I'm using it it's good luck, I never put hats on the bed, or shoes on the table. **What stands out to you about performing in LA?**  Guy Gerber: First, I think that LA is a blank canvas. The city’s sound isn’t developed as much, especially for underground house. I feel that there is a lot of space to create something new, something that isn’t there yet. I also like the challenge of bringing a lot of people that are not into that particular sound yet together. That’s what we are trying to do with Rumors in Chinatown. DJ Harvey:  It's always best to be DJing in your home town, my L.A. crowd took me in and I love them. I also love that I don't have to get on a plane and can get a good night's sleep in my own bed. **What's your favorite DJ Harvey  rumor?** Guy Gerber: DJ Harvey didn’t let Guy Gerber play at his own party because he didn’t think he was cool enough.  **What's your favorite Guy Gerber rumor?** DJ Harvey: I don't snitch but I did hear that Guy can't work well in the studio without the inspiration of a room of beautiful women, I personally can't work if they are in the studio.