Hervet Manufacturier at Maxfield LA

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It was in their early adolescence that cousins, Cédric and Nicolas Hervert began collectively creating. Starting with visions of futuristic hoverboards, the now furniture designers have always been meticulously dedicated to their work. To set the scene, imagine the young pair sketching and welding a hoverboard prototype made of aluminum and helium. Further, imagine their grandfather running it over.  Although short-lived, the hoverboard idea was just the beginning.  HERVET-023.jpg ![HERVET-023.jpg](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b1d1c7a88e544f74f28a_HERVET-023.jpeg) Fast forward some 20 years later and Cédric and Nicolas Hervert have successfully created an empire of work ranging anywhere from tables and chairs to skateboards and arcade games: The Hervet Manufacturier. The work constructed by the French furniture designers fuse techniques and practices of traditional french handiwork with sophisticated, geometric designs, modern yet quite indicative of the future. Using the highest quality of materials in France and drawing from the depths of historic cabinet making, Hervet Manufacturier radiates with unparalleled designs. Discover the collection at Maxfield LA, now. Written by Megan Rafferty