Grand Ave Arts: All Access Brings Art to the Streets in DTLA

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Tomorrow (Saturday Nov. 4th) [_Grand Ave: All Access_](http://grandparkla.org/event/grand-ave-arts-all-access/) returns for the third annual community event. On Grand Avenue, between Temple and 5th, the street will be abundant with decor, culture, and art. The event partners with [The Broad](https://www.thebroad.org/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIw8mGzYOj1wIVE7XACh3ndAWgEAAYASAAEgItsPD_BwE), among many others, to offer free admission. One could expect live performances, tours, crafts, a Día de los Muertos: Altars and Art exhibition put on by [Self Help Graphics](https://www.selfhelpgraphics.com/) and LORE productions, and much more. The event is completely free and aims to promote community and culture. CEO of The Music Center, Amy Moore, states that “with _Grand Ave Arts: All Access_, we invite the community to celebrate and enjoy the diversity, innovation and distinctiveness of the arts and cultural institutions that come together to offer special experiences for free to visitors of all ages and interests.” The event is from 11am to 5pm but museum entrance is on a first-come, first-served basis.  * * * Written by Devin Hendricks