Art Opening | For Freedoms Pop-Up Experience

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For Freedoms is a national collective serving the pursuit of creative citizenship. And, in celebration of their _50 State Initiative_, they are throwing a single day pop-up exhibition at Undefeated La Brea in Los Angeles. The event will take place on Saturday, October 27th, from 4-8pm. For Freedoms is committed to investigating the relationship between art and American society, hoping to inject the same critical thinking inherent to artistic mediums into the modern political landscape. They focus on non-partisan, all-inclusive programming, offering something of a bridge between the arts, politics, commerce, and education. The _50 State Initiative_ was launched as we approach the midterm elections, a time historically renown for partisan in-fighting and cultural demographic divides. For Freedoms, however, wishes to close this gap, so to speak. The _Initiative_ has paired with over 150 institutions in all 50 states, featuring concurrent exhibitions, art installations, and public programs addressing the important issues we face as a society. Expect much of this at Undefeated on Saturday, where For Freedoms wishes to not only exhibit art, but share ideas, inspire engagement, and introduce artist-designed T-shirts, made in collaboration with Undefeated, Union, and Election Reform. posterrrrr.png ![posterrrrr.png](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b3d71661323297021f58_posterrrrr.png) * * * _Photographs credited to: Hank Will Thomas & Emily Shur, as part of For Freedoms’ “Four Freedoms” photography campaign, launched earlier this year_