No Agency Creates Photographic Series For Upcoming NYFW, Shot By Richard Kern & Sandy Kim

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Photography via Richard Kern & Sandy Kim ![Photography via Richard Kern & Sandy Kim](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472aecdf785e15019c2a23d_1219362.jpeg) Photography via Richard Kern & Sandy Kim * * * It's almost that time of year; The fashion world is preparing for another set of upcoming international fashion shows. Casting directors, and photographers are looking for their next potential muses to represent their brand on the runway. This year _[No Agency](http://www.noagency.nyc)_ New York, an alternative talent and modeling agency representing a gifted group of artists, has decided to unveil their model show pack in a whole new way, bringing in [Richard Kern](http://www.richardkern.com) and Sandy Kim to collaborate on a new zine. The paradoxical agency brought in the photographers to co-produce and give an artistic take on their NYFW model roll-call. _[No Agency](http://www.noagency.nyc)_ New York gives intimate insight of the girls on their roster including their name, contact info, statistics, and a yes/no questionnaire. The show pack informs users in an alternative way, giving them an interesting portrayal. _No Agency_ founders and fashion industry veterans Ashley Smith and Alexander Tsebelis saw the opportunity to make a photographic survey along the lines of their agency's portrayal of the underrated and anti-established “hot girl.” This year's line-up features talent like Alexandra Marzella, Daniela Lalita, Eloisa Santos and fresh faces like Gabriette, Seashell Coker, Yulu Serao, and Elita Harkov. Photography via Richard Kern & Sandy Kim ![Photography via Richard Kern & Sandy Kim](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472aeccf785e15019c2a195_1219398.jpeg) Photography via Richard Kern & Sandy Kim * * * Richard Kern’s complex and sensual imagery along with Sandy Kim’s retrospective Polaroid vision gives us a more intricate and genuine look into the models and their personalities. Their collaboration was a perfect fit for the controversial agency. “When I first met with Alex and Ashley I said, ‘I get that you’re starting an agency but I’m not really sure why you want to talk to me.’ But then they showed me some of the girls and I got it,” Kern says.  Getting a copy of _No Angency’s_ new-wave exclusive isn't going to be easy since only a limited 50 copies of the show pack will be printed.   * * * Written by Alex Ceballos