Flaunt Premiere | Ekali ft. Yuna "Leaving"

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EKALI-YUNA-FLAUNT-4.jpg ![EKALI-YUNA-FLAUNT-4.jpg](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b48ea6e1f8e75c518ad3_EKALI-YUNA-FLAUNT-4.jpeg) “Leaving,” the ultimate crying-in-the-club song by Ekali and Yuna, is now the perfect sort of mellow song to think about your ex to from the privacy of your bed. Yuna sings to the acoustic version of “Leaving” in the new music video, premiering today on the Flaunt website. The original song appeared in Skrillex-signed Ekali’s EP “Crystal Eyes,” and in this video, he transforms “Leaving” into something softer and moody, really accentuating Yuna’s lovely voice while the artists perform lit in pink in blue. Check out the video below. * * * Photos by [Adam Della Maggiora](https://www.instagram.com/adam.della/)