New Documentary "Welcome to My Life" Examines the Agony and the Ecstasy of Chris Brown

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Chris Brown is incontestably a gifted music maker. And whether you think Breezy is sleazy or you're still down with Chris Brown, it's hard to deny that the man is a complex and interesting figure. Now, a new documentary directed by Andrew Sandler and produced by Andrew Listermann, titled _Welcome to My Life,_ will provide us the Chris Brown point of view in all its glitter and gold, detailing "[his triumphs, his struggles, his journey"](http://www.chrisbrowndocumentary.com/homepage/) and revealing long-awaited answers.  In honor of the doc's release, we pulled The Census Issue out of the Flaunt archives and scanned a photo from a shoot with Mr. Brown, dating back to a time when he was a much less polarizing figure.  Check out a preview for the documentary below:  View fullsize Photo: Kevin Amato ![Photo: Kevin Amato](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472adc45e203e765ae6e3ee_image-asset.jpeg) **Photo:** Kevin Amato * * *