Jack Womack Dares You To Have A Third Encounter

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AE-UFO-Jack-Womack-CMPL-Final-dragged-1.jpg ![AE-UFO-Jack-Womack-CMPL-Final-dragged-1.jpg](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472a8d43432be6044fed7c8_AE-UFO-Jack-Womack-CMPL-Final-dragged-1.jpeg) All Images From _Jack Womack: …Flying Saucers Are Real!_ (2016). Courtesy Anthology Editions AE-UFO-Jack-Womack-CMPL-Final-dragged-3-1.jpg ![AE-UFO-Jack-Womack-CMPL-Final-dragged-3-1.jpg](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472a8d43432be6044fed7c4_AE-UFO-Jack-Womack-CMPL-Final-dragged-3-1.jpeg) All Images From _Jack Womack: …Flying Saucers Are Real!_ (2016). Courtesy Anthology Editions AE-UFO-Jack-Womack-CMPL-Final-1.jpg ![AE-UFO-Jack-Womack-CMPL-Final-1.jpg](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472a8d43432be6044fed7c0_AE-UFO-Jack-Womack-CMPL-Final-1.jpeg) All Images From _Jack Womack: …Flying Saucers Are Real!_ (2016). Courtesy Anthology Editions [](https://flaunt-mag.squarespace.com/config/pages/587fe9d4d2b857e5d49ca782#)[](https://flaunt-mag.squarespace.com/config/pages/587fe9d4d2b857e5d49ca782#) Jack Womack Dares You To Have A Third Encounter …Flying Saucers are Real! out now via Anthology Editions 93 billions light years in diameter, and constantly expanding. The universe is mind numbingly vast and within it lies an alluring phenomena, a pervasive subculture, and a mystifying movement that has transited through the 20th century. Paranormality, extraterrestrial excavations, cosmic catapults, and a belief manifested in mysteries of an extraterrestrial world. These are the imagining that are actualized and contemplated in Jack Womack’s _…Flying Saucers are Real!_ A celebration of a plurality of beliefs, Womack catalogues the flying saucer phenomena that gripped the second half of the 20th century, and includes hundreds of graphic book covers of saucer sighting, the works of all major contactees, bibliographies, and publications from the Saucerian Press. What began for the public as deeply rooted fascination and wonder at the possibility of extraterrestrial life, quickly morphed into mass hysteria, culminating in theories of propaganda disseminated by an Illuminati-controlled CIA, Womack’s historical overview of the saucer phenomenon captures the zeitgeist of the late ’80s through the ‘90s–a projection of the “satanic panic” of the American psyche toward the turn of the century. Diverging from stereotypical abduction stories centered on little green men with almond-shaped eyes and hidden agendas, Womack refocuses ideologies by exploring original contactee stories, and tracing the flying saucer to its initial days, as a symbol of curiosity and intrigue in dystopian worlds. Purchase _…Flying Saucers are Real!_ [here](http://shop.mexicansummer.com/product/jack-womack-flying-saucers-real/). Written by Jasmine Ashoori