David Lynch, I Believe You Can Get Me Through The Night

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![](http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1487268387534-1FTS15A5TS402P0RVOXR/WHO-IS-IN-MY-HOUSE.jpg) “Who is in My House,” (2008-2009). Watercolor,10.25 x 14 Inches. ![](http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1487268366946-RWKQHD4N0P97BQWWM79B/EVERYTHING-IS-BEING-RECORDED.jpg) “Everything is Being Recorded.” (2011). Watercolor ,9.5 x 12.5 Inches. ![](http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1487268411759-RRURSYNQH4IS7L3MB9QR/MAN-IN-ROOM-WITH-KNIFE.jpg) “Man in Room With Knife,” (2009). Lithograph, 25 x 34 5/8 Inches, Ed. 30. [](#)[](#) David Lynch, I Believe You Can Get Me Through The Night The cool guy shares his art, unveils his new album, The Big Dream, and leaves a song recipe beneath Flaunt’s Astrakhan pillow. Do you like air raids? Do you like sonorous calls from a porcelain nightingale held high in your sweaty palm? David Lynch does. The artist’s second full-length audio release, _The Big Dream_, exercises these audio oddities, forgoing the analog flourishes of his films in favor of electronic-based production. The 12-song LP, 11 of which were written by Lynch himself, features a cover of Bob Dylan’s 1964 folk ditty “The Ballad of Hollis Brown.” The album is a meditation on the blues genre, befitting for the originator of numerous slow-burning melancholic film classics. In _The Big Dream_, Lynch revisits archetypes held dear. The psychopaths, hopeless romantics, and misfits the artist often conjured—and cinephiles analyzed—are reimagined for strictly aural consumption. In _Recipe for a Song_, we find the mastermind enthusiastically dismantling his production process, taking a decidedly Lynchian approach to what could otherwise simply be an exercise in music theory. #### **The Vastness of the Small Corral by David Lynch** 4x4x4 Inch Rock 12 Inch long, quarter-inch thick Wooden Dowel Tin Foil—12 inch Square A Bird Call (of any kind) Drone of a B36 Bomber A Patch of Soft Earth 3ft x 3ft Brass Bell or Brass Bowl A Human Voice (Maximum of 4 tracks of a single human voice) \*\*They can manipulate any of the sounds in any fashion (digital or analog tools). \*No additional elements are allowed.