Angelyne X de Plume Gallery

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B4984B16-9B48-44BC-8F2C-35EA0918A8AA.JPG ![B4984B16-9B48-44BC-8F2C-35EA0918A8AA.JPG](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b2457325d74473a06bed_B4984B16-9B48-44BC-8F2C-35EA0918A8AA.jpeg) Skin tight dresses. Blonde bombshell. Pink Corvette. I think we all have one person in mind. Angelyne: LA’s reigning billboard queen. Still as much of an enigma today as she was in the early 80’s when her first billboard popped up on the LA skyline. Being someone who practically invented the term “famous for being famous” it’s surprising that aside from cruising around Hollywood in her iconic pink Corvette, Angelyne spends her time creating paintings that can only be described as raunchy. But in the best way possible. 3A340127-68FE-473E-B092-C7C519207F06.JPG ![3A340127-68FE-473E-B092-C7C519207F06.JPG](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b2457325d74473a06c04_3A340127-68FE-473E-B092-C7C519207F06.jpeg) This past Saturday in East Hollywood, de Plume Gallery promised “an exhibition of paintings by Angelyne that pull back the curtain and reveal her life beyond the public eye. The entire gallery space will be transformed into a representation of Angelyne’s private life, offering visitors an intimate experience with a true Hollywood icon”. And that’s exactly what it was. IMG\_2460.jpg ![IMG_2460.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1531419465064-8L7QH77QL3J41SH75XM2/IMG_2460.jpg) At around 8 o’clock her legendary pink Corvette pulled up on Hollywood Boulevard, fashionably late of course, and even more delicious in person. A silver wedged foot hit the curb and out stepped Angelyne, complete with a pink paper fan covering her face, threatening to leave if any photos were taken. And of course, photos were taken as she made her way to the back of the gallery 4B99AAED-5EA0-477A-9D84-825572C7559F.JPG ![4B99AAED-5EA0-477A-9D84-825572C7559F.JPG](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b2457325d74473a06bf1_4B99AAED-5EA0-477A-9D84-825572C7559F.jpeg) With pink drinks being served and fuzzy hot pink couch tucked into the corner of the room, her paintings were right at home. With a variety of different pieces including one depicting Angelyne’s discernible face replacing that of the Mona Lisa and another painting resembling the work of Margaret Keane, Angelyne style, it would be hard to tell these were all by the same artist. Except for one factor. No matter which painting you decide to focus on, Angelyne’s famous larger than life hair (and other larger than life things) are featured in every painting, verifying that they are in fact, 100% Angelyne’s work. ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b2457325d74473a06bff_image-asset.jpeg) This exhibition is only up until the 20th of July so head over to de Plume Gallery on Hollywood Boulevard to experience an inside slice of Angelyne’s life or to purchase one of a kind paintings, signed photos or Angelyne memorabilia before it’s over. https://www.deplume.gallery/angelyne * * * Written and photographed by Lotus Kaufman